Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead...

Okay so I know it’s been a while… no that’s an understatement it was has FOREVER since my last blog. It’s not that I haven’t thought about it or made notes ALL around the house, on sticky notes to scrap pieces of paper. Jottings, scribbles… I think there may even been a few ‘catchy’ titles or pictures drawn but nothing in (gasp) over a month and now here I am sitting awake in bed at 2:30AM blogging, when I would much rather be sleeping.

This post has possibly or rather probably nothing to do with archaeology but more about death (but on the lighter side of it).

Do you ever wonder how people came up with the sayings such as “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”? Right now, I do...

I have used it numerous times before when my schedule has gotten really hectic… but to be honest when is it not hectic. Family, school, work, exercise, friends… and down time if there is such a thing, and then when I finally get a chance to drift off to sleep, my mind is still going and causing me to be awake at (NOW) 2:36AM.

I don’t want to offend anyone or make this into a debate surrounding particular beliefs, and I’m going to keep this very brief because it is (NOW) 2:38AM and my mind is clearly not all with me…. but, assuming once I’m dead that there is some sort of an afterlife -- will I get to sleep then?
Today in class we briefly talked about the Viking belief in Valhalla and (correct me if I’m wrong) how some say that the Vikings in Valhalla get to fight all day and drink/sleep all night, do you think they would be able to get to sleep after tuckering themselves out all day fighting?

Or will they, as well I currently am now, still toss and turn waiting for sleep to finally sink in… right now, I hope that the saying is true and that I WILL SLEEP WHEN I’M DEAD because right now it sure isn’t happening.

It is (NOW) 2:47AM.

I'm going to try this again... Goodnight!

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