Friday, January 7, 2011

My First Blog

Hi Everyone!

My name is Vanessa and I am a third year Anthropology major. My goal is to graduate in November 2012, hopefully after participating in one of the summer field school programs that are offered though UVic.

I look forward to hearing feedback about the new field school through the department of anthropology which (for the first time) is being held in Drimolen, South Africa. I think that being able to take the skills and knowledge that I have acquired during my undergraduate degree and then applying them in the field would be a rewarding experience.

Originally I had thought about registering for the field school this year, but then decided that I would be better off to wait and take part in one for my last undergraduate semester because then I could continue on travelling and learning about the culture of the chosen country.

In 2008, I went travelling to the South Pacific (Fiji, New Zealand and Australia) with my best friend and it was an invaluable experience. Being able to submerse yourself within a culture can allow you to learn so much more about it than simply reading a textbook or watching documentaries.

After graduating with a BA in Anthropology, I am not yet sure what I am going to do. I have thought about going on to complete a Graduate program or applying to join the police force but I haven‘t quite made up my mind. I am not sure what the future holds for me but I look forward to finding out!

Originally I registered for this class to finish fulfilling my Archaeology requirements, however, after taking Erin’s class last semester on Viking Archaeology, I became interested in burials, grave goods and the events and practices surrounding death. I enjoy looking at what archaeologists have found in the present and then using them to reconstruct the past.

I look forward to the rest of the semester! See you all in class Tuesday!



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